

  Taylor II

James E. Taylor II

contact me: 
james at jetsquared dot com
contact me: 
james at jetsquared dot com

Experienced results-driven software engineer with a management background seeking to bring an engineering, problem-solving mindset in a full stack position to deliver enterprise level software solutions to your clients and business needs.

Other Ways To Reach Me:

Click the  to download a PDF of my résumé.
This Site
Built with:
 reactjs  (go learn more about it!)
 Bootstrap 4
View the source code for this site on my github page:  jetsquared.
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design 
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging

The template used for this site comes from Start Bootstrap | BlackrockDigital. Check out their designs!


JET Squared (Lehigh Valley, PA)
Owner / Lead Engineer

Branching out on my own has been an experience full of challenges; through which have helped me learn to be lean and agile. This agility has helped JET Squared focus on solutions that are client specific. From taking the 'paper' out of 'paperwork' to automating business processes to give you more time to work with your clients, JET Squared seeks to help you do what you do best.

We have all recognized that asking the right questions can be half the battle. BUT ..

  • What questions do we ask?
  • Do we know where we can improve?
  • Can this be done more efficiently?
  • I'm sure there's software that can help us do this, but what is it and how would I go about finding it?

Perhaps having a Software Engineer on your staff - FOR FREE - could be a great benefit?
This is where JET Squared can help! Schedule a FREE initial consultation ( I like coffee ), we can chat about your next great idea and map out a plan to accomplish it.

Types of companies and individuals we have helped: Small & medium businesses, non-profits, churches, daycares, and professors in academia.

June 2018 - Present
Blue Sombrero (Atlanta, GA)
Senior Software Engineer

Part of a team responsible for converting one of our legacy apps. New implementations were composed of Angular components & services, RESTful APIs, CQRS, and table creation; at times requiring SQL profiling and tracing from the legacy app.
Major contribution: introduced a data service pattern with async operators (using behavior subject) to our Angular project.

btw - This job was awesome! This team is building incredible enterprise scale apps - the right way - while satisfying business requirements. Code reviews, process improvement, short feedback loop with management, work-life balance.

October 2017 - May 2018
MDL Automation (Roswell, GA)
Software Developer

At this SaaS company I was responsible for website management, new feature design and implementation. Wrote service layer code (NServiceBus) and provided support to our customer service team.
Major contribution: Completed an end-to-end solution (Winforms + Windows service + Web) for monitoring over 200 nationally distributed computers, resulting in a 60% reduction in support staff workload.

December 2014 - October 2017
Robert L. Wright & Associates, Inc. (Houston, TX)
Sr. Draftsman / Associate

This structural engineering firm has worked on projects BIG and small. My time here began as a structural draftsman and I detailed projects for apartment buildings, home additions, additions and improvements to Minute Maid Park (Houston Astros Stadium), road design (to handle large equipment), and many others. The owner, Robert Wright, has expertise ranging: concrete, post-tension concrete, timber, tilt-wall, steel, new construction and renovation (I'm sure I'm missing a few).

In 2008, Hurricane Ike, hit the shores of Texas with a 17ft storm surge. Thousands of homes were damaged and hundreds of homes were completely destroyed. At this time the firm began producing structural forensic reports (SFR), assessing structural damages to property, which could be used in legal hearings.

CHALLENGE: How do we produce these SFR's fast enough? It was taking on average 3 days to produce these reports. I pioneered our creation of software to automate project workflows: reducing report creation time by 85% (i.e. 3 days to 3 hours). My drafting responsibilities were greatly reduced after 2009 and thereafter I produced internal software programs and managed outside developers.

Mar. '04 - June '05
Nov. '08 - Dec. '14


Luther Rice College & Seminary

Pursuing: Masters of Divinity with Languages
Lithonia, GA

Current GPA: 3.60

August 2016 - present
This degree is composed of 30 classes. I'm currently able to take approx. 2 classes each spring and fall. Hopefully, I'll finish this degree in 8 years!

Southern Polytechnic State University

Bachelor of Science
Marietta, GA
Computer Science
Minors: Software Engineering & Information Technology

GPA: 3.29
School is now known as Kennesaw State University

August 2012 - May 2015
I am really proud of this degree. During this degree: my wife and I had our first child, I worked 30+ hrs/wk and I volunteered on campus at the Baptist Student Center. Career changes are not for the faint of heart!

Booker T. Washington

High School for the Engineering Professions
Houston, TX
August 1993 - May 1998


Programming Languages & Tools
  • backend
  • tools
  • database
  • os
  • paas

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